Amy Major

Amy Major Email and Phone Number

Product Manager @ American Greetings
cleveland, ohio, united states

Amy Major's Contact Details

Amy Major personal email

Amy Major's Current Company Details

American Greetings

Product Manager
cleveland, ohio, united states
Consumer Goods

Amy Major Work Experience

    Merchandising Supervisor- Creative Products
    American Greetings Jul 05 - Mar 06 · 8 mos
    Cleveland, Ohio, United States
    * ·Assisted APM in obtaining financial goals for the trim category * ·Identified and implemented cost reduction initiatives * ·Aided in the development of programs and strategies * ·Assisted in developing new products and merchandising concepts * ·Created plans to improve productivity in Carlton retail and the Specialty Channel
    Assistant Product Manager
    American Greetings Dec 08 - Jun 12 · 3 yrs 6 mos
    Cleveland, Ohio, United States
    * ·Managed product line from creation, production and distribution to merchandising and promotion * ·Spearheaded creative ideas through multiple departments * ·Managed P&L responsibility for all product * ·Managed cost of goods * ·Implemented Corporate, Department and Category strategies * ·Identified and developed solutions for process improvement
    Merchandising Supervisor- Wal-Mart
    American Greetings Mar 06 - Dec 08 · 2 yrs 9 mos
    Cleveland, Ohio, United States
    * ·Conducted retail competitive analysis and observations * ·Assisted in development of sales presentations * ·Created and implemented merchandising standards/tests using sales data * ·Worked on creation and distribution of programs
    Product Manager
    American Greetings ['2012-06-01', 'Present']
    Cleveland, Ohio, United States

Amy Major Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Amy Major

What company does Amy Major work for?

Amy Major works for American Greetings

What is Amy Major's role in his/her workplace?

Amy Major's role in his/her workplace is Product Manager.

Which industry does Amy Major work in currently?

Amy Major works in the industry Consumer Goods.

What is Amy Major's email address?

Amy Major's email address is

What schools did Amy Major attend?

Amy Major attended Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green State University. and Cleveland State University.

What are some of Amy Major's interests?

Amy Major has interest in Children.

Who are Amy Major's colleagues?

Amy Major's colleagues are Dorothy Clements, Dorothy Clements, Karen Carranza, Karen Carranza, Sharon Shaw, Sharon Shaw, Diana Brown-Wilkinson, Diana Brown-Wilkinson, Joe Ruley, Joe Ruley, and Amy Shoff. and Brian Mead.

Who are Amy Major's peers at other companies?

Amy Major's peers at other companies are Alecsandro Alves, Khodor Mezher, Harold Hoekstra, Angel Rodriguez, Barbara Lencioni, and Susan Reymann. and Ha Chung. Amy Major's peers at other companies are Alecsandro Alves, Khodor Mezher, Harold Hoekstra, Angel Rodriguez, Barbara Lencioni, and Susan Reymann. and Ha Chung.