Amy Cooper

Amy Cooper Email and Phone Number

Service Administrator @ Cornthwaite Group
ormskirk, lancashire, united kingdom

Amy Cooper's Contact Information

Amy Cooper work email

Amy Cooper personal email


Amy Cooper's Current Company Details

Cornthwaite Group

Service Administrator
ormskirk, lancashire, united kingdom

Amy Cooper Work Experience

Amy Cooper Education

    John Ruskin School
    2005 - 2010
    Myerscough College
    Agriculture 2010 - 2012

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Frequently Asked Questions about Amy Cooper

What company does Amy Cooper work for?

Amy Cooper works for Cornthwaite Group

What is Amy Cooper's role in his/her workplace?

Amy Cooper's role in his/her workplace is Service Administrator.

Which industry does Amy Cooper work in currently?

Amy Cooper works in the industry Machinery.

What is Amy Cooper's email address?

Amy Cooper's email address is

What schools did Amy Cooper attend?

Amy Cooper attended John Ruskin School, John Ruskin School. and Myerscough College.

What is Amy Cooper's role in his workplace?

Amy Cooper has skills like Sales Executive, Team Leadership, Customer Service, Sales, Agriculture, Sage 200, Communication, Dog Grooming, Animal Care, Farm Labourer, and Dry Stone Walling.

Who are Amy Cooper's colleagues?

Amy Cooper's colleagues are Jake Wallbank, Jake Wallbank, Dusty Ag, Dusty Ag, Graham Gardner, Graham Gardner, Sandra Moran, Sandra Moran, James Worthing, James Worthing, and Sean Dunkerley. and Ben Shield.

Who are Amy Cooper's peers at other companies?

Amy Cooper's peers at other companies are Kalathur Pattabiraman, Felix De La Cruz, Lisa Allong, Pallab Bhattacharya, Brian Mcnabb, and Angela Grant. and Jaco Nolte. Amy Cooper's peers at other companies are Kalathur Pattabiraman, Felix De La Cruz, Lisa Allong, Pallab Bhattacharya, Brian Mcnabb, and Angela Grant. and Jaco Nolte.