Amanda Almeida

Amanda Almeida Email and Phone Number

united states

Amanda Almeida's Current Company Details

Mckinsey & Company

united states
Management Consulting
Graduated in Social Sciences with qualification in Anthropology. Has professional and academic experiences of consulting, collecting and analyzing data, especially in the public and social sector

Amanda Almeida Work Experience

    Depen Oct 17 - Dec 17 · 2 mos
    Fap-Df May 16 - May 17 · 1 yr
    * Scholarship for scientific initiation. Some of my functions were: * International fieldwork in Cape Verde, West Africa * Bibliographical survey * Interviews with data interlocutors * Development of research reports * Writing of an academic article
    Human Resources Executive Director
    Socius - Consultoria Jr. Aug 15 - Aug 16 · 1 yr
    Brasilia, Distrito Federal, Brazil
    * Internship at the Citizenship Division * Some of my functions were: * Translation of texts from English to Portuguese * Handling of official documents * Writing and sending messages to other Ministries, Embassies, International Organizations and related * Participation in meetings with national and international authorities.
    Presidência Da República Apr 18 - Dec 18 · 8 mos
    * Intership in the Department of Education for Citizenship and Social Innovationof the National Secretariat of Social Articulation. Some of my functions were: * Assisting in the development of the National Education Program for Citizenship and Social Innovation * Contacting various social actors in the country * Collecting data about cities * Analyzing interviews and data collected in the territories * Organizing and crossing data in Excel * Work with the concept of Social Innovation in Public Policies and Sustainable Development Goals
    Fellow Business Analyst
    Mckinsey & Company Sep 20 - Dec 21 · 1 yr 3 mos
    United States
    Business Analyst
    Mckinsey & Company May 23 - May 23 ·
    United States

Amanda Almeida Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Amanda Almeida

What company does Amanda Almeida work for?

Amanda Almeida works for Mckinsey & Company

Which industry does Amanda Almeida work in currently?

Amanda Almeida works in the industry Management Consulting.

What schools did Amanda Almeida attend?

Amanda Almeida attended Universidade De Brasília.

Who are Amanda Almeida's colleagues?

Amanda Almeida's colleagues are Mpharm Sanja Ancic Curkovic, Mpharm Sanja Ancic Curkovic, Jens Lansing, Jens Lansing, Zeynep Boran, Zeynep Boran, Kamila Płaziak, Kamila Płaziak, Angelica Ramon, Angelica Ramon, and Nik Sharifidin. and Andreas Richardson.

Who are Amanda Almeida's peers at other companies?

Amanda Almeida's peers at other companies are Vereane Chaves, Lana Bowker, Nicola Inglis, Pabbu Kumar, Fran Howes, and Marina Vazquez. and Kenroy Nestor. Amanda Almeida's peers at other companies are Vereane Chaves, Lana Bowker, Nicola Inglis, Pabbu Kumar, Fran Howes, and Marina Vazquez. and Kenroy Nestor.