Amanda Chambers

Amanda Chambers Email and Phone Number

Fleet Coordinator @ Tarrant Roofing
bedford, texas, united states

Amanda Chambers's Contact Information

Amanda Chambers work email

Amanda Chambers personal email


Amanda Chambers's Current Company Details

Tarrant Roofing

Fleet Coordinator
bedford, texas, united states

Amanda Chambers Work Experience

    Assistant Manager And Leasing Agent
    Lehi, Utah, United States
    Leased apartments and went over contracts with new and existing tenants. Collected rent and served eviction notices. Bank runs, reports for the Property Managers, handled maintenance requests and maintained corporate documents and files.
    Fleet Coordinator
    Tarrant Roofing Apr 23 - Present · 1 yr 9 mos
    Bedford, Texas, United States
    C3 Backyard Oasis Jan 05 - Jan 09 · 4 yrs
    Project Management in different areas. Set up appointments with customers to handle their needs, all A/R and A/P, kept detailed files from the beginning to completion of every job. Cut down on budget costs without cutting the quality of work.
    Patient Care Supervisor
    Hanger, Inc. End date missing
    Austin, Texas, United States
    Area Office Manager
    Hanger, Inc. End date missing
    Austin, Texas, United States
    Assists with Senior Management for the North Texas and El Paso locations. Train, assist and cover office when needed. Handle all Medical Office duties including but not limited to, front desk, back office help, billing, insurance verification, etc. In charge of completing SOX Audits and additional projects in a timely fashion.

Amanda Chambers Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Amanda Chambers

What company does Amanda Chambers work for?

Amanda Chambers works for Tarrant Roofing

What is Amanda Chambers's role in his/her workplace?

Amanda Chambers's role in his/her workplace is Fleet Coordinator.

Which industry does Amanda Chambers work in currently?

Amanda Chambers works in the industry Construction.

What is Amanda Chambers's email address?

Amanda Chambers's email address is

What is Amanda Chambers's direct phone number?

Amanda Chambers's direct phone number is +17137031941

What schools did Amanda Chambers attend?

Amanda Chambers attended Texas Christian University, Texas Christian University. Westlake High School, Austin, Tx, Westlake High School, Austin, Tx. San Marcos Baptist Academy, San Marcos Baptist Academy. Sanger High School, Sanger High School. Texas Wesleyan University, Texas Wesleyan University. Tarrant County College, Tarrant County College. and Business Skills Training Center.

Who are Amanda Chambers's colleagues?

Amanda Chambers's colleagues are Taylor Wheaton, Taylor Wheaton, Brandon Bolsius, Brandon Bolsius, Robert Neumann, Robert Neumann, Kelly Hutchins, Kelly Hutchins, Sarah Jones, Sarah Jones, and Judy Hannah. and Romeo Garza.

Who are Amanda Chambers's peers at other companies?

Amanda Chambers's peers at other companies are Kalu Destine, Kj Ilamathi, Farah Khan, Kayden Rivers, Andrea Litz, and Wayne Adams. and Sergio Ruiz. Amanda Chambers's peers at other companies are Kalu Destine, Kj Ilamathi, Farah Khan, Kayden Rivers, Andrea Litz, and Wayne Adams. and Sergio Ruiz.