Amanda Chambers

Amanda Chambers Email and Phone Number

Shift Supervisor @ 33 Acres Brewing Company
vancouver, british columbia, canada

Amanda Chambers's Current Company Details

33 Acres Brewing Company

Shift Supervisor
vancouver, british columbia, canada
Food Production

Amanda Chambers Work Experience

    Shift Supervisor
    33 Acres Brewing Company Jun 21 - Present · 3 yrs 7 mos
    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    Server Supervisor
    Memphis Blues Bbq House Jan 17 - Feb 18 · 1 yr 1 mo
    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    Summer Camp Counselor
    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    Research Assistant
    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    * Collaborated on a project called “Smart Earth” under Dr. Karen Bakker, researching innovative AI technology for conservation purposes. * Constructed the database on biohybrid robots and maintained two other databases by validating and organizing all entries. * Compiled, uploaded and organized geodata for a geodatabase in ArcGIS for future potential GIS and cartographic uses. * Built the projects website on WordPress using JavaScript and HTML/CSS. * Transcribed interviews on bio/eco-acoustics. Show less
    The Warehouse Group Feb 18 - May 20 · 2 yrs 3 mos
    Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
    Achieved the top selling position from the first month I was employed and maintained this every month until my last. I was one of the top 3 sellers in Western Canada.

Amanda Chambers Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Amanda Chambers

What company does Amanda Chambers work for?

Amanda Chambers works for 33 Acres Brewing Company

What is Amanda Chambers's role in his/her workplace?

Amanda Chambers's role in his/her workplace is Shift Supervisor.

Which industry does Amanda Chambers work in currently?

Amanda Chambers works in the industry Food Production.

What schools did Amanda Chambers attend?

Amanda Chambers attended The University Of British Columbia.

Who are Amanda Chambers's colleagues?

Amanda Chambers's colleagues are William C, William C, Jamie Buchan, Jamie Buchan, William Cordon, William Cordon, Jonathan Alfaro, Jonathan Alfaro, Matt Fielding, Matt Fielding, and Trever Bass. and Amira Chellouf.

Who are Amanda Chambers's peers at other companies?

Amanda Chambers's peers at other companies are Adrian Peray, Khizul Hisham, France Perlo, Tadiwa Makuku, Pitak Tantimala, and Elvin Sanjur. and Chuck Rogers. Amanda Chambers's peers at other companies are Adrian Peray, Khizul Hisham, France Perlo, Tadiwa Makuku, Pitak Tantimala, and Elvin Sanjur. and Chuck Rogers.