Alyssa Atzen

Alyssa Atzen Email and Phone Number

iowa city, iowa, united states

Alyssa Atzen's Current Company Details

University Of Iowa Hospitals &Clincs

Unit Assistant
iowa city, iowa, united states
Medical Practice
Hi! My name is Alyssa Atzen and I am a student at the University of Iowa studying health and human physiology with a minor in psychology. I am involved in dance marathon and am very passionate about participating in this organization. I plan to attend a MSN-EIP program after receiving my bachelors and becoming a Nurse Practitioner. I love working in the hospital and being one-on-one with patients. I have always had a passion for kids and being around babies and would love to work with them in my future. I am also very passionate about helping others and doing everything I can to help them live their life to their fullest potential.

Alyssa Atzen Work Experience

Alyssa Atzen Education

  • University Of Iowa
    2022 - 2025
  • North Scott Senior High School
    2017 - 2022

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Frequently Asked Questions about Alyssa Atzen

What company does Alyssa Atzen work for?

Alyssa Atzen works for University Of Iowa Hospitals &clincs

What is Alyssa Atzen's role in his/her workplace?

Alyssa Atzen's role in his/her workplace is Unit Assistant.

Which industry does Alyssa Atzen work in currently?

Alyssa Atzen works in the industry Medical Practice.

What schools did Alyssa Atzen attend?

Alyssa Atzen attended University Of Iowa, University Of Iowa. and North Scott Senior High School.

Who are Alyssa Atzen's peers at other companies?

Alyssa Atzen's peers at other companies are Ceceilia Hudson, Richard Royse, Orelys Perez, Joseph Newman, Meidy Casas, and Christyn Raymond. and Candace Hanson. Alyssa Atzen's peers at other companies are Ceceilia Hudson, Richard Royse, Orelys Perez, Joseph Newman, Meidy Casas, and Christyn Raymond. and Candace Hanson.