Aline Morais Email and Phone Number
Aline Morais's Current Company Details
Agrobom Comércio E Exportação De Cereais Ltda.
- Website:
- Employees:
- 18
- Industry:
- Farming
Aline Morais Work Experience
Engenheira CivilAm Engenharia Civil End date missing
Analista FinanceiraAgrobom Comércio E Exportação De Cereais Ltda. Jan 19 - Present · 6 yrsBom Jesus Da Penha, Minas Gerais, Brazil
Assessora De FiscalizaçãoPrefeitura Municipal De Bom Jesus Da Penha End date missing
Aline Morais Education
2012 - 2017
Design 2018 - 2020
Other Similar Profiles
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Start your free trialFrequently Asked Questions about Aline Morais
What company does Aline Morais work for?
Aline Morais works for Agrobom Comércio E Exportação De Cereais Ltda.
What is Aline Morais's role in his/her workplace?
Aline Morais's role in his/her workplace is Analista Financeira.
Which industry does Aline Morais work in currently?
Aline Morais works in the industry Farming.
What schools did Aline Morais attend?
Aline Morais attended Universidade Do Estado De Minas Gerais, Universidade Do Estado De Minas Gerais. and Ipog - Instituto De Pós - Graduação E Graduação.
What is Aline Morais's role in his workplace?
Aline Morais has skills like Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Powerpoint, Autocad, Engenharia, and Planejamento De Projetos.
Who are Aline Morais's colleagues?
Aline Morais's colleagues are Juliano Machado, Juliano Machado, Nathiel Gomes, Nathiel Gomes, Diego Gonçalves, Diego Gonçalves, Sinomar Vieira, Sinomar Vieira, Edimur Ferraz, Edimur Ferraz, and Luiz Nóbrega. and Camila Castelli.
Who are Aline Morais's peers at other companies?
Aline Morais's peers at other companies are Sergio Júnior, Geoffrey Nyandoro, Kenneth Jørgensen, Pieter Stox, Tuyikunde Jackson, and Lorne Letkeman. and Hugo Ficarra. Aline Morais's peers at other companies are Sergio Júnior, Geoffrey Nyandoro, Kenneth Jørgensen, Pieter Stox, Tuyikunde Jackson, and Lorne Letkeman. and Hugo Ficarra.