Alexis Granath

Alexis Granath Email and Phone Number

Deployment Senior Associate @ Pwc
new york, new york, united states

Alexis Granath's Contact Details

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Alexis Granath's Current Company Details


Deployment Senior Associate
new york, new york, united states
Graduated from San Jose State University spring 2022 - with a Bachelors in Business Administration with a concentration in Accounting. I began working in the products and services segment of Tax, focusing on compliance, transfer pricing, and provisions. Throughout my experience in my professional career, I have made efforts to get involved in internal programs within PwC and found my passion in helping others. As a result, I made the transition to Human Resource Management in the spring of 2023. Where I help deploy and support 600+ staff in our Transformation segment.

Alexis Granath Work Experience

    Deployment Senior Associate
    Pwc May 23 - Present · 1 yr 9 mos
    New York, New York, United States
    Tax Associate
    Pwc Jul 22 - May 23 · 10 mos
    New York, New York, United States
    Tax Intern
    Pwc Jun 21 - Aug 21 · 2 mos
    New York, New York, United States
    Worked in the industry tax practice speciality group. Throughout my internship I attended the Future Tax Leaders week long training where I learned key skills to progress my career in tax. Worked alongside my colleagues doing experienced associate work such as preparing EGAs, Preparing workpapers, helping with C1 clients, as well as administrative help where it was needed. In addition, I sat in on C1 client and partner calls to help me get an insight on the ins and outs of the company.

Alexis Granath Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Alexis Granath

What company does Alexis Granath work for?

Alexis Granath works for Pwc

What is Alexis Granath's role in his/her workplace?

Alexis Granath's role in his/her workplace is Deployment Senior Associate.

Which industry does Alexis Granath work in currently?

Alexis Granath works in the industry Accounting.

What is Alexis Granath's email address?

Alexis Granath's email address is

What schools did Alexis Granath attend?

Alexis Granath attended San Joaquin Delta College, San Joaquin Delta College. California State University, Long Beach, California State University, Long Beach. and San Jose State University.

Who are Alexis Granath's colleagues?

Alexis Granath's colleagues are Reena Patel, Reena Patel, Andrew Millar, Andrew Millar, Supriya Niha, Supriya Niha, Ben Lindeman, Ben Lindeman, Matthew Mckenzie, Matthew Mckenzie, and Claudia Scheepers. and Szilvia Kocsy.

Who are Alexis Granath's peers at other companies?

Alexis Granath's peers at other companies are Michael Dennington, Cinthia Navarro, Alicia Saghari, Cynthia Soto, Bo Arnouts, and Airton Sena. and Jyothi Vijayan. Alexis Granath's peers at other companies are Michael Dennington, Cinthia Navarro, Alicia Saghari, Cynthia Soto, Bo Arnouts, and Airton Sena. and Jyothi Vijayan.