Alex Oliveira

Alex Oliveira Email and Phone Number

Propagandista Vendedor Veterinário Pleno @ Labgard Animal Health
campinas, sao paulo, brazil

Alex Oliveira's Current Company Details

Labgard Animal Health

Propagandista Vendedor Veterinário Pleno
campinas, sao paulo, brazil

Alex Oliveira Work Experience

    Propagandista Vendedor Veterinário Pleno
    Labgard Animal Health Aug 10 - Present · 14 yrs 5 mos
    Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Alex Oliveira Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Alex Oliveira

What company does Alex Oliveira work for?

Alex Oliveira works for Labgard Animal Health

What is Alex Oliveira's role in his/her workplace?

Alex Oliveira's role in his/her workplace is Propagandista Vendedor Veterinário Pleno.

Which industry does Alex Oliveira work in currently?

Alex Oliveira works in the industry Veterinary.

What schools did Alex Oliveira attend?

Alex Oliveira attended Universidade Estadual De Goiás.

What are some of Alex Oliveira's interests?

Alex Oliveira has interests in Áreas Técnicas.

Who are Alex Oliveira's colleagues?

Alex Oliveira's colleagues are Cléside Júnior, Cléside Júnior, Amanda Lanzone, Amanda Lanzone, Fabio Derossi, Fabio Derossi, Djacir Santos, Djacir Santos, Roberto Real, Roberto Real, and Flavio Yamamura. and Sara Ferreira.

Who are Alex Oliveira's peers at other companies?

Alex Oliveira's peers at other companies are Patrick Villarraga, Thorsten Nowrat, Sebastian Arsinevici, Keiran Falvey, Lillie Kemp, and Grace-Elaine Sommerfeld. and Erin Bonar. Alex Oliveira's peers at other companies are Patrick Villarraga, Thorsten Nowrat, Sebastian Arsinevici, Keiran Falvey, Lillie Kemp, and Grace-Elaine Sommerfeld. and Erin Bonar.