Alex Callahan

Alex Callahan Email and Phone Number

marlborough, massachusetts, united states

Alex Callahan's Contact Details

Alex Callahan work email

Alex Callahan personal email


Alex Callahan phone numbers

Alex Callahan's Current Company Details

Hologic, Inc.

marlborough, massachusetts, united states
Medical Devices
Student at University of Rochester

Alex Callahan Work Experience

    Cytology Laboratory Co-Op
    Hologic, Inc. Aug 12 - Aug 14 · 2 yrs
    Marlborough, Massachusetts, United States
    Assisted in the Customer Support and Training laboratory with Thin Prep slide, stain, and filter membrane testing.

Alex Callahan Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Alex Callahan

What company does Alex Callahan work for?

Alex Callahan works for Hologic, Inc.

Which industry does Alex Callahan work in currently?

Alex Callahan works in the industry Medical Devices.

What is Alex Callahan's email address?

Alex Callahan's email address is

What is Alex Callahan's direct phone number?

Alex Callahan's direct phone number is +17742772646

What schools did Alex Callahan attend?

Alex Callahan attended Medway High School, Medway High School. and University Of Rochester.

What are some of Alex Callahan's interests?

Alex Callahan has interests in Science And Technology, Science And Technology. Education, Education. and Health.

What is Alex Callahan's role in his workplace?

Alex Callahan has skills like

Who are Alex Callahan's colleagues?

Alex Callahan's colleagues are Stephen Brown, Stephen Brown, Mike Bean, Mike Bean, Liezel Morales, Liezel Morales, Maruja Rivera, Maruja Rivera, Donna Blanchette, Donna Blanchette, and Christophe Mattern. and Jose Peraza.

Who are Alex Callahan's peers at other companies?

Alex Callahan's peers at other companies are Teresa Miller, Apipawat Nonsea, Joann Lechko, Ethan Yarbrough, Jens Blirup, and John Field. and Annisa Syakri. Alex Callahan's peers at other companies are Teresa Miller, Apipawat Nonsea, Joann Lechko, Ethan Yarbrough, Jens Blirup, and John Field. and Annisa Syakri.