Aldi Mukaj

Aldi Mukaj Email and Phone Number

Shop Manager @ Gotech Electonics
tirane, albania

Aldi Mukaj's Current Company Details

Gotech Electonics

Shop Manager
tirane, albania
Consumer Electronics

Aldi Mukaj Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Aldi Mukaj

What company does Aldi Mukaj work for?

Aldi Mukaj works for Gotech Electonics

What is Aldi Mukaj's role in his/her workplace?

Aldi Mukaj's role in his/her workplace is Shop Manager.

Which industry does Aldi Mukaj work in currently?

Aldi Mukaj works in the industry Consumer Electronics.

What schools did Aldi Mukaj attend?

Aldi Mukaj attended Universiteti Bujqësor I Tiranës.

Who are Aldi Mukaj's colleagues?

Aldi Mukaj's colleagues are Eleida Zvirina, Eleida Zvirina, Gentiana Misini, Gentiana Misini, Kristjana Dhimojani, Kristjana Dhimojani, Matilda Liçi, Matilda Liçi, Blerta Shehu, Blerta Shehu, and Elsa Memishahi. and Ina Shkupi.

Who are Aldi Mukaj's peers at other companies?

Aldi Mukaj's peers at other companies are Peter G, Angela Allen, Praneeth K, Jian Zhuo, Svante Jonsson, and Renata Carazza. and Maria Poops. Aldi Mukaj's peers at other companies are Peter G, Angela Allen, Praneeth K, Jian Zhuo, Svante Jonsson, and Renata Carazza. and Maria Poops.