Alanna Brett

Alanna Brett Email and Phone Number

Fresher @ Bokksu
new york, new york, united states

Alanna Brett's Current Company Details


new york, new york, united states
Food & Beverages

Alanna Brett Work Experience

    New York, New York, United States

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Frequently Asked Questions about Alanna Brett

What company does Alanna Brett work for?

Alanna Brett works for Bokksu

What is Alanna Brett's role in his/her workplace?

Alanna Brett's role in his/her workplace is Fresher.

Which industry does Alanna Brett work in currently?

Alanna Brett works in the industry Food & Beverages.

Who are Alanna Brett's colleagues?

Alanna Brett's colleagues are Mayumi Muratake, Mayumi Muratake, Ashvan Carvalho, Ashvan Carvalho, Paul Sun, Paul Sun, Jason Lee, Jason Lee, Magat Sabio, Magat Sabio, and Karel Choteborsky. and Vanessa Nguyen.

Who are Alanna Brett's peers at other companies?

Alanna Brett's peers at other companies are David Allen, Mohammad Triyanto, Rebecca Munro, Brody Gerard, Joao Pedro, and Manda Martinez. and Adeline Dauphin. Alanna Brett's peers at other companies are David Allen, Mohammad Triyanto, Rebecca Munro, Brody Gerard, Joao Pedro, and Manda Martinez. and Adeline Dauphin.