Adam Khodadeen

Adam Khodadeen Email and Phone Number

Senior Manager, People Advisory Services @ Ey
london, greater london, united kingdom

Adam Khodadeen's Contact Details

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Adam Khodadeen's Current Company Details


Senior Manager, People Advisory Services
london, greater london, united kingdom
Specialties:Digital Workforce Transformation;Cloud Transformation and Technology Adoption;Systems Integration;Business Architecture;Change Management;Stakeholder Engagement.

Adam Khodadeen Work Experience

    Sap Architect
    Calian Group Jan 04 - May 08 · 4 yrs 4 mos
    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    * Business analysis * Business process design/re-engineering * SAP ABAP development * SAP functional analysis * Chief SAP technical architect
    Senior Manager, People Advisory Services
    Ey Dec 21 - Present · 3 yrs 2 mos
    London, Greater London, United Kingdom
    Independent Consultant
    Prestanda May 08 - Dec 21 · 13 yrs 7 mos
    * Consultant for various ERP implementations, HR/Business optimization and Business transformation initiatives. Fulfilling various roles including: Business Architect, Change Management Lead, Project Lead, and Information Management Specialist. * Summary of Engagements: * SAP HR, Payroll and IS-Banking implementations * SharePoint Online and M365 implementations * Organizational development & design * HCM optimization & performance * Senior Executive enablement & support * Leading complex change and stakeholder engagement. * Sector Experience: * Federal Public Sector and Crown Corporations: Employment and Social Development Canada, Correctional Service of Canada, Canada Revenue Agency, Shared Services Canada, Canada Council for the Arts, Export Development Canada, and Canada Post Corporation. * Provincial Crown Corporations: BC Hydro and Hydro One. * Private Sectors: Professional Services, Banking, Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences, Telecommunications, and Airline.
    Accenture Nov 00 - Jan 04 · 3 yrs 2 mos
    Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
    * Systems integration * Large scale SAP implementations * SAP HR funcitonal designer * ABAP developer / Development Team Lead * Seebeyond eGate developer (middleware product) * eBusiness strategy analyst

Adam Khodadeen Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Adam Khodadeen

What company does Adam Khodadeen work for?

Adam Khodadeen works for Ey

What is Adam Khodadeen's role in his/her workplace?

Adam Khodadeen's role in his/her workplace is Senior Manager, People Advisory Services.

Which industry does Adam Khodadeen work in currently?

Adam Khodadeen works in the industry Accounting.

What is Adam Khodadeen's email address?

Adam Khodadeen's email address is

What schools did Adam Khodadeen attend?

Adam Khodadeen attended University Of Ottawa, University Of Ottawa. and Copenhagen Business School.

What is Adam Khodadeen's role in his workplace?

Adam Khodadeen has skills like Sap, Business Process, Business Analysis, Erp, Testing, Sap Erp, Sap R/3, Integration, and Sap Hr.

Who are Adam Khodadeen's colleagues?

Adam Khodadeen's colleagues are Ankita Panda, Ankita Panda, Olof Ålenius, Olof Ålenius, Maximilian Leppak, Maximilian Leppak, Aymeric Bourland, Aymeric Bourland, Atsushi Iwasaki, Atsushi Iwasaki, and Sebastiaan Dammann. and Dave Richkun.

Who are Adam Khodadeen's peers at other companies?

Adam Khodadeen's peers at other companies are Kimberly Hollencamp, Holly Belanger, Nallil Mejía, Mitesh Modi, Kássia Ferreira, and Sumit Patil. and Anuj Patni. Adam Khodadeen's peers at other companies are Kimberly Hollencamp, Holly Belanger, Nallil Mejía, Mitesh Modi, Kássia Ferreira, and Sumit Patil. and Anuj Patni.