Ajoy Singh

Ajoy Singh Email and Phone Number

Ajoy Singh's Current Company Details


Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited

Project Manager
Oil & Energy

Ajoy Singh Work Experience

Frequently Asked Questions about Ajoy Singh

What company does Ajoy Singh work for?

Ajoy Singh works for Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited

What is Ajoy Singh's role in his/her workplace?

Ajoy Singh's role in his/her workplace is Project Manager.

Which industry does Ajoy Singh work in currently?

Ajoy Singh works in the industry Oil & Energy.

Who are Ajoy Singh's colleagues?

Ajoy Singh's colleagues are Salvi Bpcl, Salvi Bpcl, Pankaj Sharma, Pankaj Sharma, Venu Boddu, Venu Boddu, Aditya Kamat, Aditya Kamat, Mahesh Gayakwad, Mahesh Gayakwad, and Machender Koigura. and Sumeet Goswami.

Who are Ajoy Singh's peers at other companies?

Ajoy Singh's peers at other companies are Ghokulesh Satkuna, Byungyul Jung, Babacar Niang, Ramesh Chand, Matt Engel, and Raushan Kumar. and Mario Martis. Ajoy Singh's peers at other companies are Ghokulesh Satkuna, Byungyul Jung, Babacar Niang, Ramesh Chand, Matt Engel, and Raushan Kumar. and Mario Martis.