Ajay Vayyavuru

Ajay Vayyavuru Email and Phone Number

nellore, andhra pradesh, india

Ajay Vayyavuru's Current Company Details


1Callfix Solutoins

nellore, andhra pradesh, india
Facilities Services

Ajay Vayyavuru Work Experience

Ajay Vayyavuru Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Ajay Vayyavuru

What company does Ajay Vayyavuru work for?

Ajay Vayyavuru works for 1callfix Solutoins

What is Ajay Vayyavuru's role in his/her workplace?

Ajay Vayyavuru's role in his/her workplace is Intern.

Which industry does Ajay Vayyavuru work in currently?

Ajay Vayyavuru works in the industry Facilities Services.

What schools did Ajay Vayyavuru attend?

Ajay Vayyavuru attended Vellore Institute Of Technology.

Who are Ajay Vayyavuru's colleagues?

Ajay Vayyavuru's colleagues are Nooruddin Shaik, Nooruddin Shaik, Imran Mohammad, Imran Mohammad, Abdul Karim, Abdul Karim, Mohammed Shabbeer, Mohammed Shabbeer, Suleman Shaik, Suleman Shaik, and Mohammed Shabbir. and Sk Nadeem.

Who are Ajay Vayyavuru's peers at other companies?

Ajay Vayyavuru's peers at other companies are Flávio César, Beatriz De Castro, Marcie Lance, Encarnación Trillo, Happen Hope Diaz, and Raeleen Williams. and Maria Miranda. Ajay Vayyavuru's peers at other companies are Flávio César, Beatriz De Castro, Marcie Lance, Encarnación Trillo, Happen Hope Diaz, and Raeleen Williams. and Maria Miranda.