Agustin Frances

Agustin Frances Email and Phone Number

Administracion @ Comercial Mediterraneo
almenara, castellon, spain

Agustin Frances's Current Company Details

Comercial Mediterraneo

almenara, castellon, spain
Administracion en Comercial Mediterraneo

Agustin Frances Work Experience

    Comercial Mediterraneo Jun 16 - Present · 8 yrs 8 mos
    Almenara, Castellon, Spain
    Jefe Admon
    Oya 1997 - 2013 · 16 yrs
    Fons, Midi-Pyrenees, France

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Frequently Asked Questions about Agustin Frances

What company does Agustin Frances work for?

Agustin Frances works for Comercial Mediterraneo

What is Agustin Frances's role in his/her workplace?

Agustin Frances's role in his/her workplace is Administracion.

Which industry does Agustin Frances work in currently?

Agustin Frances works in the industry Automotive.

What is Agustin Frances's role in his/her workplace?

Agustin Frances has skills like Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Contabilidad, Contabilidad Financiera, Contabilidad De Costes, Impuestos, and Derecho Laboral.

Who are Agustin Frances's colleagues?

Agustin Frances's colleagues are

Who are Agustin Frances's peers at other companies?

Agustin Frances's peers at other companies are Guillermina Toriano, Tyson Meng, Sathis Kumar, Javed Ali, Cathy Terhune, and Jeremiah Moran. and Christopher Ruth. Agustin Frances's peers at other companies are Guillermina Toriano, Tyson Meng, Sathis Kumar, Javed Ali, Cathy Terhune, and Jeremiah Moran. and Christopher Ruth.