Agene Joeben

Agene Joeben Email and Phone Number

abuja, fct, nigeria

Agene Joeben's Current Company Details

American International School Abuja

Faculty Staff
abuja, fct, nigeria
Primary/secondary Education
Driver with three test certificate.General duties.

Agene Joeben Work Experience

Agene Joeben Education

    Ladioke Akintola University Of Technology Ogbomoso
    Management Science 2014 - 2015

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Frequently Asked Questions about Agene Joeben

What company does Agene Joeben work for?

Agene Joeben works for American International School Abuja

What is Agene Joeben's role in his/her workplace?

Agene Joeben's role in his/her workplace is Faculty Staff.

Which industry does Agene Joeben work in currently?

Agene Joeben works in the industry Primary/Secondary Education.

What schools did Agene Joeben attend?

Agene Joeben attended Ladioke Akintola University Of Technology Ogbomoso.

What is Agene Joeben's role in his workplace?

Agene Joeben has skills like Strategic Planning, Customer Service, Management, Leadership, Negotiation, and Training.

Who are Agene Joeben's colleagues?

Agene Joeben's colleagues are Aciarb Akhere Omokhodion Friday, Aciarb Akhere Omokhodion Friday, Abhinav Sharma, Abhinav Sharma, Ayokunle Alex, Ayokunle Alex, Femi Alabi, Femi Alabi, Leif Larson, Leif Larson, and Thomas-Wallace Okoro. and Warren Needham.

Who are Agene Joeben's peers at other companies?

Agene Joeben's peers at other companies are Paulina Castorena-Villarreal, Sara Perry, Karl Berry, Meine Van Der Graaf, Vincent Naples, and Ana Rojas. and John Curran. Agene Joeben's peers at other companies are Paulina Castorena-Villarreal, Sara Perry, Karl Berry, Meine Van Der Graaf, Vincent Naples, and Ana Rojas. and John Curran.