Adriana Martinez

Adriana Martinez Email and Phone Number

Food Server @ Japan Restaurant
lancaster, south carolina, united states

Adriana Martinez's Current Company Details

Japan Restaurant

Food Server
lancaster, south carolina, united states

Adriana Martinez Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Adriana Martinez

What company does Adriana Martinez work for?

Adriana Martinez works for Japan Restaurant

What is Adriana Martinez's role in his/her workplace?

Adriana Martinez's role in his/her workplace is Food Server.

Which industry does Adriana Martinez work in currently?

Adriana Martinez works in the industry Restaurants.

Who are Adriana Martinez's colleagues?

Adriana Martinez's colleagues are Christian Pineda, Christian Pineda, Chen Pan, Chen Pan, Jovinel Pabustan, Jovinel Pabustan, Winnie Tang, Winnie Tang, Artistar Ngiamngamsri, Artistar Ngiamngamsri, and Alika Salsabila. and Norman Syah.

Who are Adriana Martinez's peers at other companies?

Adriana Martinez's peers at other companies are Felicia C, Luciano Dutra, Rose Paradise, Benton Powley, Rayshon Copeland, and Érica Jesus. and Kasey Westerhouse. Adriana Martinez's peers at other companies are Felicia C, Luciano Dutra, Rose Paradise, Benton Powley, Rayshon Copeland, and Érica Jesus. and Kasey Westerhouse.