Addisu Tilahun

Addisu Tilahun Email and Phone Number

Lecturer @ Jimma University

Addisu Tilahun's Current Company Details

Jimma University

Higher Education

Addisu Tilahun Work Experience

    Ict Hardware Engineer
    Jimma University End date missing
    Jimma, Oromiya, Ethiopia
    i am work in jimma university medical laboratory equipment technician & ict refurbishment & maintenance center hardware engineer and teem leader,then i give training in office machine for different university in Ethiopia and for new employers(or new comer workers)....
    Jimma, Oromiya, Ethiopia

Addisu Tilahun Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Addisu Tilahun

What company does Addisu Tilahun work for?

Addisu Tilahun works for Jimma University

What is Addisu Tilahun's role in his/her workplace?

Addisu Tilahun's role in his/her workplace is Lecturer.

Which industry does Addisu Tilahun work in currently?

Addisu Tilahun works in the industry Higher Education.

What schools did Addisu Tilahun attend?

Addisu Tilahun attended Jimma University.

Who are Addisu Tilahun's peers at other companies?

Addisu Tilahun's peers at other companies are Maha Devan, Jaime Meneses, Robi Onsongo, Patrick O'regan, Stephen Iannucci, and Bethany Leake. and Lisa Prcin. Addisu Tilahun's peers at other companies are Maha Devan, Jaime Meneses, Robi Onsongo, Patrick O'regan, Stephen Iannucci, and Bethany Leake. and Lisa Prcin.