Adam Wells

Adam Wells Email and Phone Number

atlanta, georgia, united states

Adam Wells's Current Company Details

Kajima Building & Design Group, Inc.

atlanta, georgia, united states

Adam Wells Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Adam Wells

What company does Adam Wells work for?

Adam Wells works for Kajima Building & Design Group, Inc.

What is Adam Wells's role in his/her workplace?

Adam Wells's role in his/her workplace is Superintendent.

Which industry does Adam Wells work in currently?

Adam Wells works in the industry Construction.

Who are Adam Wells's colleagues?

Adam Wells's colleagues are Warren Magee, Warren Magee, Levi Whitworth, Levi Whitworth, Ross Peterkin, Ross Peterkin, Michael Morgan, Michael Morgan, Randall Guy, Randall Guy, and Dylan Sandoval. and Cappy Hall.

Who are Adam Wells's peers at other companies?

Adam Wells's peers at other companies are Manu Srivastava, Jacob Cobb, Steven Tough, Cleofe Rodil, Konrad Wronka, and Anna Parjaszewska. and Joost Huijgen. Adam Wells's peers at other companies are Manu Srivastava, Jacob Cobb, Steven Tough, Cleofe Rodil, Konrad Wronka, and Anna Parjaszewska. and Joost Huijgen.