Abigail Prentiss

Abigail Prentiss Email and Phone Number

Crew Member @ Chipotle Mexican Grill
newport beach, california, united states

Abigail Prentiss's Current Company Details


Chipotle Mexican Grill

Crew Member
newport beach, california, united states
My current job is my first form of secular employment. I currently hold the position of Certified Trainer, and my other duties include preparing food before open, grill, being a cashier, and serving food.

Abigail Prentiss Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Abigail Prentiss

What company does Abigail Prentiss work for?

Abigail Prentiss works for Chipotle Mexican Grill

What is Abigail Prentiss's role in his/her workplace?

Abigail Prentiss's role in his/her workplace is Crew Member.

Which industry does Abigail Prentiss work in currently?

Abigail Prentiss works in the industry Restaurants.

Who are Abigail Prentiss's colleagues?

Abigail Prentiss's colleagues are Alvarino Medina, Alvarino Medina, Julia Dorsey, Julia Dorsey, Gavin Miller, Gavin Miller, Kendall Harris, Kendall Harris, Jeff Jones, Jeff Jones, and Gabrielle Colbert. and Jason Circelli.

Who are Abigail Prentiss's peers at other companies?

Abigail Prentiss's peers at other companies are Jernel Green, Mary Solovi, Leanne Quirke, Djida Troudart, Matthew Németh, and David Wesoloski. and James Wade. Abigail Prentiss's peers at other companies are Jernel Green, Mary Solovi, Leanne Quirke, Djida Troudart, Matthew Németh, and David Wesoloski. and James Wade.