Abhishek Karn

Abhishek Karn Email and Phone Number

District Operation Executive @ Jarvis Technology And Strategy Consulting
bombay, maharashtra, india

Abhishek Karn's Contact Information

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Abhishek Karn's Current Company Details


Jarvis Technology And Strategy Consulting

District Operation Executive
bombay, maharashtra, india
Management Consulting

Abhishek Karn Work Experience

Abhishek Karn Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Abhishek Karn

What company does Abhishek Karn work for?

Abhishek Karn works for Jarvis Technology And Strategy Consulting

What is Abhishek Karn's role in his/her workplace?

Abhishek Karn's role in his/her workplace is District Operation Executive.

Which industry does Abhishek Karn work in currently?

Abhishek Karn works in the industry Management Consulting.

What is Abhishek Karn's email address?

Abhishek Karn's email address is abhishek521991@gmail.com

What schools did Abhishek Karn attend?

Abhishek Karn attended L.n.mishra Institute Of Economic Development And Social Change, L.n.mishra Institute Of Economic Development And Social Change. C. M. Law College, C. M. Law College. Nalanda Open University, Patna, Nalanda Open University, Patna. and Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Darbhanga.

Who are Abhishek Karn's colleagues?

Abhishek Karn's colleagues are Aniruddh Purohit, Aniruddh Purohit, Suman Dhankhar, Suman Dhankhar, Sumanta Mandal, Sumanta Mandal, Khushboo Chavan, Khushboo Chavan, Rohit Zinta, Rohit Zinta, and Yogesh Kumar. and Mukul Sharma.

Who are Abhishek Karn's peers at other companies?

Abhishek Karn's peers at other companies are Scott Koth, Mike Van Spall, Débora Kirst, Jean-Nicolas Marciel, Sergio Chimeno, and Stuart Davies. and Syed Shah. Abhishek Karn's peers at other companies are Scott Koth, Mike Van Spall, Débora Kirst, Jean-Nicolas Marciel, Sergio Chimeno, and Stuart Davies. and Syed Shah.