Abel Sebahtu

Abel Sebahtu Email and Phone Number

Kiwi @ Kiwi Minipris

Abel Sebahtu's Current Company Details


Kiwi Minipris


Abel Sebahtu Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Abel Sebahtu

What company does Abel Sebahtu work for?

Abel Sebahtu works for Kiwi Minipris

What is Abel Sebahtu's role in his/her workplace?

Abel Sebahtu's role in his/her workplace is Kiwi.

Which industry does Abel Sebahtu work in currently?

Abel Sebahtu works in the industry Retail.

Who are Abel Sebahtu's colleagues?

Abel Sebahtu's colleagues are Janne Hjørnevik, Janne Hjørnevik, Sindre Marthinussen, Sindre Marthinussen, Anette Møller, Anette Møller, Ole Holmen, Ole Holmen, Maj-Britt Solvang, Maj-Britt Solvang, and Nart Ghojal. and Emma Øverkil.

Who are Abel Sebahtu's peers at other companies?

Abel Sebahtu's peers at other companies are Giovana Lessa, Jennifer Batkin, Edie Potter, Sarah Khan, Melissa Aswad, and Michael Gemmill. and Arnaud Courson. Abel Sebahtu's peers at other companies are Giovana Lessa, Jennifer Batkin, Edie Potter, Sarah Khan, Melissa Aswad, and Michael Gemmill. and Arnaud Courson.