Abdullah Khan

Abdullah Khan Email and Phone Number

Qa And Qc Inspector @ Aecom
los angeles, california, united states

Abdullah Khan's Current Company Details



Qa And Qc Inspector
los angeles, california, united states
Civil Engineering
Material Inspector at CDM Smith

Abdullah Khan Work Experience

  • aecom.com
    Material Inspector
    Cdm Smith End date missing
    Boston, Massachusetts, United States
  • aecom.com
    Material Inspector
    Aecom End date missing
    Los Angeles, California, United States
  • aecom.com
    Qa And Qc Inspector
    Aecom Apr 16 - Present · 8 yrs 9 mos
    Los Angeles, California, United States

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Frequently Asked Questions about Abdullah Khan

What company does Abdullah Khan work for?

Abdullah Khan works for Aecom

What is Abdullah Khan's role in his/her workplace?

Abdullah Khan's role in his/her workplace is Qa And Qc Inspector.

Which industry does Abdullah Khan work in currently?

Abdullah Khan works in the industry Civil Engineering.

What is Abdullah Khan's role in his workplace?

Abdullah Khan has skills like

Who are Abdullah Khan's colleagues?

Abdullah Khan's colleagues are Kevin Groves, Kevin Groves, Jane Mcewen, Jane Mcewen, Franco Welmans, Franco Welmans, Vignesh Elamurugan, Vignesh Elamurugan, Kandres Simatupang, Kandres Simatupang, and Navyatha Metta. and Stefan Armington.

Who are Abdullah Khan's peers at other companies?

Abdullah Khan's peers at other companies are Krisada Techamanoon, Suneet Mishra, Zied Ayedi, Karen Soifer, Jannes Boer, and Christofer Rosengren. and Vanderson Borges. Abdullah Khan's peers at other companies are Krisada Techamanoon, Suneet Mishra, Zied Ayedi, Karen Soifer, Jannes Boer, and Christofer Rosengren. and Vanderson Borges.