Abdullah Khan

Abdullah Khan Email and Phone Number

Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor @ Cpic Abahsain Fiber Glass Bahrain

Abdullah Khan's Current Company Details

Cpic Abahsain Fiber Glass Bahrain

Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor
Total 16 Years CPIC Abahsain Fiberglass M.E.W.L.L Kingdom of Bahrain. Since 19th July, 2008 working as Mechanical Supervisor Pakistan Tobacco Company Limited. Pakistan 02Years worked as Research & Development Officer. Micron Concept Engineering Sdn Bhd. Malaysia 01Year worked as Supervisor in CNC Machine Shop. Atlas Honda Limited Motor Cycle Plant. Pakistan (6Years) worked as Supervisor in Crank Shaft & Engine Assembly.

Abdullah Khan Work Experience

  • Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor
    Cpic Abahsain Fiber Glass Bahrain Jul 08 - Present · 16 yrs 7 mos
    * Human Resources Management, Training, * SAP System (working on “M” module) * Handling the machine shop and plant maintenance with ordering spare parts. * Work Shop Experience (CNC and Manual Machines) * Winders, all kind of PD & centrifugal pumps, Pneumatic system, * Emergency maintenance for Chiller, Air compressor with Air dryers, Cooling towers. * Water Treatment, Water tube, Fir tube boiler with heat waste, O2 oxygen Generation plant & Maintenance Caterpillar Generator weekly maintenance. * Handling the Workers * Fiber glass complete the Erection & Steel Construction Work & Machine Installations * As mechanical responsible to perform preparation, planning and scheduling, execution and follow up of preventive Maintenance activities.

Abdullah Khan Education

  • Masters in Chemistry

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Frequently Asked Questions about Abdullah Khan

What company does Abdullah Khan work for?

Abdullah Khan works for Cpic Abahsain Fiber Glass Bahrain

What is Abdullah Khan's role in his/her workplace?

Abdullah Khan's role in his/her workplace is Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor.

What schools did Abdullah Khan attend?

Abdullah Khan attended