Abdul Ahad

Abdul Ahad Email and Phone Number

Accountant @ Noor International

Abdul Ahad's Current Company Details


Noor International

Medical Devices

Abdul Ahad Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Abdul Ahad

What company does Abdul Ahad work for?

Abdul Ahad works for Noor International

What is Abdul Ahad's role in his/her workplace?

Abdul Ahad's role in his/her workplace is Accountant.

Which industry does Abdul Ahad work in currently?

Abdul Ahad works in the industry Medical Devices.

Who are Abdul Ahad's colleagues?

Abdul Ahad's colleagues are Sikandar Ali, Sikandar Ali, Muhammad Faraz, Muhammad Faraz, Alvina Arshad, Alvina Arshad, Shiza Momal, Shiza Momal, Fawad Mansoor, Fawad Mansoor, and Saad Zaki. and Subul Shafiq.

Who are Abdul Ahad's peers at other companies?

Abdul Ahad's peers at other companies are Sunghoon Kwon, Jo Davis, Jamie Corbett, Kelly Doyle, Biagio Rovitti, and Oszlánszki Attila. and Shery Carlson. Abdul Ahad's peers at other companies are Sunghoon Kwon, Jo Davis, Jamie Corbett, Kelly Doyle, Biagio Rovitti, and Oszlánszki Attila. and Shery Carlson.