
Myntra's email is and Myntra's phone number is +91 80 4354 1999 .

Myntra is an e-commerce company committed to making fashion and lifestyle products accessible to everyone. They create solutions that disrupt the ordinary and help make the world a happier, more fashionable place. They provide the largest current season product catalog, fashion etailer, m-commerce, myntra fashion brands, internet, omnichannel, omnichannel, and private fashion labels.
View Top Employees for Myntra
img Industry Apparel & Fashion
img Location Bangalore, Karnataka, India
img Employees 340
img Founded 2007
img HQ AKR Tech Park, 7th Mile, Krishna Reddy Industrial Area, Kudlu Gate
img Phone +91 80 4354 1999
img Email
img Funding 515,771,218 USD
img Competitors Luxottica, Vf Corporation, Urbn (Urban Outfitter..., Ralph Lauren, Forever 21, C&A,
img Industry Apparel & Fashion
img Location Bangalore, Karnataka, India
img Employees 340
img Founded 2007
img LinkedIn
img HQ AKR Tech Park, 7th Mile, Krishna Reddy Industrial Area, Kudlu Gate
img Phone +91 80 4354 1999
img Email
img Funding 515,771,218 USD