- Industry
- Renewables & Environment
- Website
- 38degreesn.com
- Location
- Sausalito, California, United States
- Employees
- 6
- Founded
- 2015
38 Degrees North Questions
What is 38 Degrees North's official website?
38 Degrees North's website is 38degreesn.com
How many employees are working in 38 Degrees North right now?
38 Degrees North has 6 employees. View the Email and Phone Numbers for all 6 working at 38 Degrees North.
What is 38 Degrees North's industry?
What are 38 Degrees North's top competitors?
38 Degrees North's top competitors are Abengoa , Nextera Energy Resources , Engie Solutions Belgium , Comisión Federal De Electricidad , Suzlon Wind Energy A/s , Veolia Water Technologies . Mhi Vestas Offshore Wind ,
What is 38 Degrees North's support email address?
38 Degrees North's support email address is info@38degreesn.com
What is 38 Degrees North's location?
38 Degrees North's location is Sausalito, California, United States
When was 38 Degrees North founded?
38 Degrees North's founding year is 2015
Top 38 Degrees North Employees
Chris Bailey
Partner 4>
Sausalito, California, United States5powerscout.com, sunedison.com, terraform.com, gmail.com, 38degreesn.com3 +141536XXXXX
Ryan Bennett
Partner 4>
San Francisco, California, United States5aya.yale.edu, sunedison.com, greenrockcapital.com, epsway.com, 38degreesn.com -
Ryan Macdonald
Vice President 4>
Burlingame, California, United States3svb.com, gmail.com, 38degreesn.com1 +161761XXXXX
Timothy Luthin
Vice President 4>
New York, New York, United States5stanford.edu, morganstanley.com, morganstanley.com, morganstanley.com, 38degreesn.com -
Jake Carney
Partner 4>
Boston, Massachusetts, United States2yahoo.com, 38degreesn.com2 +180223XXXXX
Lara Younes
Investment Manager 4>
San Francisco, California, United States3irena.org, x-elio.com, 38degreesn.com -
Oprha Popo
Buyer 4>
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States138degreesn.com
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