- Industry
- Hospital & Health Care
- Website
- 310klinik.com
- Location
- Nuremberg, Bayern, Germany
- Employees
- 8
310klinik Gmbh Questions
What is 310Klinik Gmbh's helpline number?
310Klinik Gmbh's helpline number is +49 09-115-8068
What is 310Klinik Gmbh's official website?
310Klinik Gmbh's website is 310klinik.com
How many employees are working in 310Klinik Gmbh right now?
310Klinik Gmbh has 8 employees. View the Email and Phone Numbers for all 8 working at 310Klinik Gmbh.
What is 310Klinik Gmbh's industry?
What are 310Klinik Gmbh's top competitors?
310Klinik Gmbh's top competitors are Centene Corporation , Catholic Health Initiatives , Express Scripts , Providence Health & Services , Davita , Quest Diagnostics . Optum ,
What is 310Klinik Gmbh's support email address?
310Klinik Gmbh's support email address is info@310klinik.com
What is 310Klinik Gmbh's location?
310Klinik Gmbh's location is Nuremberg, Bayern, Germany
Top 310klinik Gmbh Employees
Ecem Ucar
Marketing Manager 4>
Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany1gmail.com2 +491727XXXXXX
Tobias Wetzel
Ärztlicher Direktor, Chefarzt Der Allgemein- Und Viszeralchirurgie 4>
Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany1310klinik.com -
Winfried Med.Bechtloff
Radiologie 4>
Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany1gmx.net -
Maximilian Frankowski
Dienstarzt 4>
Erlangen, Bavaria, Germany1klinikum-fuerth.de -
Jan Maier
Oberarzt 4>
Erlangen, Bayern, Germany -
Martina Hausmann
Oth Amberg-Weiden 4>
Amberg, Bavaria, Germany -
Vera Skörup
Patientenmanagement 4>
Nuremberg, Bavaria, Germany
Companies like 310Klinik Gmbh
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