- Industry
- Information Technology And Services
- Website
- 2im.com.br
- Location
- Curitiba, Parana, Brazil
- Employees
- 17
- Founded
- 2011
2im Impacto Inteligência Médica S/a Questions
What is 2Im Impacto Inteligência Médica S/A's helpline number?
2Im Impacto Inteligência Médica S/A's helpline number is 55 41 3018-8732
What is 2Im Impacto Inteligência Médica S/A's official website?
2Im Impacto Inteligência Médica S/A's website is 2im.com.br
How many employees are working in 2Im Impacto Inteligência Médica S/A right now?
2Im Impacto Inteligência Médica S/A has 17 employees. View the Email and Phone Numbers for all 17 working at 2Im Impacto Inteligência Médica S/A.
What is 2Im Impacto Inteligência Médica S/A's industry?
What are 2Im Impacto Inteligência Médica S/A's top competitors?
2Im Impacto Inteligência Médica S/A's top competitors are Lumen Technologies , Cgi , Oracle , Altran , Conduent , Indra . Infosys ,
What is 2Im Impacto Inteligência Médica S/A's support email address?
2Im Impacto Inteligência Médica S/A's support email address is contato@2im.com.br
What is 2Im Impacto Inteligência Médica S/A's location?
2Im Impacto Inteligência Médica S/A's location is Curitiba, Parana, Brazil
When was 2Im Impacto Inteligência Médica S/A founded?
2Im Impacto Inteligência Médica S/A's founding year is 2011
Top 2im Impacto Inteligência Médica S/a Employees
Cesar Abicalaffe
President And Chief Executive Officer 4>
Curitiba, Parana, Brazil3impactomedica.com.br, 2im.com.br, 2im.com.br3 +141992XXXXX
Francisco Cantarutti
Head Of Innovation 4>
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil3sisqualis.com.br, sisqualis.com.br, gmail.com2 +555135XXXXXX
Irineu Kopietz
Systems Analyst 4>
Curitiba, Parana, Brazil2hotmail.com, 2im.com.br -
Helena Romcy
Finder 4>
Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil1gmail.com1 +185884XXXXX
Milva Brito
Comercial 4>
Curitiba, Parana, Brazil2hotmail.com, 2im.com.br -
Aurelien Dallo
Gérant 4>
Ivory Coast1yahoo.fr -
Evelien Van Belle
Office Manager 4>
Brugge, Flanders, Belgium1hotmail.com
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