10 Sales Follow-Up Email Templates to Boost Your Business in 2024

Crafting persuasive sales follow-up emails can be a daunting task for many individuals. However, with the use of effective sales follow-up email templates, you can significantly improve your chances of capturing your audience’s attention and eliciting the desired response. According to sales follow-up statistics, following up within 24 hours of the initial outreach can lead to an average email reply rate of 25%. So, it’s crucial to act quickly and send a follow-up email to increase your chances of getting a response.

The following sales follow-up email templates are a surefire way to skyrocket your business beyond expectations. By incorporating these tried and tested sales follow-up email tips and templates, you can achieve outstanding results that can be tailored to any purpose. So, don’t hesitate to implement these winning strategies to enhance your email marketing game and take your business to new heights!

10 Sales Follow-Up Email Templates To Use in 2021

Keep your emails short and engaging.

While most people may like your products and services, reading lengthy sales follow-up emails can be a turn-off for many. To ensure you don’t face rejection because of writing long emails, keep them concise, to the point, and engaging. Here’s an example of a sales follow-up email template you can try to reap authentic results:

“Hello {prospect’s name}

I’m reaching out because sharing ideas about how you can boost your business and drive more leads and sales is essential. Would it be okay if I reach out next time and share more super-powerful ideas with you?”

As you can imagine, the above is short, to the point, and actionable. Anyone looking for ideas to increase leads and sales will want to hear from you. For that reason, your next email can share the expected ideas and introduce your services and goods, and because you’ve built trust with a prospect, selling to them will be easy.

Compliment and add value to your prospects.

While selling is hard for many people, one of the easiest ways to build trust and drive leads is by being persuasive. Just like any other art, persuasion is an art in itself. To ensure your sales follow-up emails don’t get thrown to the towel and deleted soon as they reach your prospects’ inboxes, compliment them and make them feel you’re adding value to whatever they do. Use your persuasive skills and craft something like this:

Hi {prospect’s name}Settings

I saw on Facebook you’ve been sharing some excellent posts about conversions and optimization. I’m an expert in these fields, and I’ve some super-helpful tips I thought you’d want to know. Would it be useful to share more of these with you anytime I’ve more for my subscribers?”

Seeing that you’re adding value and complementing them, many people will want to keep up checking and reading anything you send them. This way, you can share more about your services, and they’d want to buy to keep their relationships with you.

Continue sharing insights, and links to articles or research that your Recipient might find useful. It will help to establish credibility and trust. Consider adding a link to a testimonial, video, or case study, or use photos and infographics to make your follow-up email more interesting and engaging. Most people want to hear from you and thank you for getting them valuable information without a hassle, which makes selling easy.

Make Replying easy for your Recipients.

Reading your sales follow-up emails is not the only thing you want your recipients to do but reply as well. While many people may write persuading follow-up emails, many fail to make them easy to respond to, and thus, people get turned off.

To ensure that doesn’t happen to you, make replying a quick task for your prospects. Here’s a super example of that:

“Hi {Name}

I see you’re super busy to reply at the moment. Could you hit me up with your number, and I’d schedule a call in my next email?”

Nonetheless, you can also include choices for prospects to pick as quick replies such as:

  • Please leave me alone.
  • I’m too busy; email meme.
  • I’ll write back to you shortly.

These and more examples make you look professional and respect people’s time. The feedback you get from the choices or numbers people share indicates the number of clients you have in line.

Focus on your prospect’s challenges and interests.

Without wasting your time and prospects, go straight to the point, and leave them to decide to do business with you or not:

Hi {Name},

I sent you a message a few days ago and realized that the last email I sent was focused more on what we do and not enough on your company.

We’d love to jump on a call to learn more about your current tasks and challenges. What would be a good day/time to talk?” 

Sound like you want to cut them off

While most people don’t have time to reply, you promptly start to see feedback once your emails sound like you’re about to walk away from them. Here’s an example:

“Hi {Name}

Because we have lots of customers who regularly reply to our emails and let us know how we can help, we’ve decided to send this last email to those who don’t regularly reply to see if it is good not to be sharing with them what have helped so many people for years. What do you think?”

Follow up with Offers.

People want offers almost every time. Include things like giveaways and more in your emails, and watch leads increase: 

 “Dear {Name} 

 There hasn’t been any activity on your account for the last week. This is a friendly reminder to redeem the free download we gave you. The special offer allows you to download …, it 100% free. Click here to redeem your offer.” 

Be Creative.

As much as you’re persuasive, creativity goes in handy in ensuring people are persuaded to act. To make sure your follow-up emails are read and replied to often, create engaging short but catchy stories about your services or problems customers face.

Once they feel your story touches them and want help, they will reach you for more information, and that is when you can make a kill in sales and conversions.

Hi {Name}

Working with tech startups, I found out that as a founder, you are likely to experience one of 3 problems: 

1. Difficult to find the right talents 

2. Difficult to accelerate growth 

3. Eventually, sales productivity falls

Are you experiencing one or more of these issues?  

Respond with 1, 2, and/or 3, and I will send you a sales playbook that helps to eliminate those issues.”

Be persistent. 

If your Recipient keeps ignoring your emails, don’t give up. Research shows that it takes 3-4 follow-ups to receive a response. Use humor because it can alter any situation.

“Hey {Name},

 It seems like my message got fallen between the cracks, but the optimist in me refuses to stop until I can reach you. Can we get on a brief call next week for us to see if there might be an intersection?” 

Providing a Last Chance to Take Advantage of The Offer

This email is perfect for closing deals and encouraging recipients to take action.

Hi {Name},

This is just a friendly reminder that our special offer is coming to a close soon. Don’t miss your chance to take advantage of this amazing opportunity. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Friendly Check-In

Use this email to follow up with leads who haven’t responded to your initial outreach.

Hi {Name},

I wanted to check in and see if you had any questions about our previous conversation or if there’s anything else I can help with. Please let me know if you’re still interested in learning more about our products/services.

Design and automate your marketing email sequence.

Think through the entire sequence of emails and ensure your sales follow-up emails are automated. Using engagement tools is an excellent aspect to ensure your sales follow-up emails have an effective and scalable sequence. It is easy to personalize your sales follow-up emails in bulk with features that easily trigger your target audiences to act. Here is an example of an email campaign you might design:

  • Day 1: Intro email with personalized benefits
  • Day 3: Customized video
  • Day 5: Email with an offer
  • Day 8: Reminder with a summary of benefits
  • Day 10:” Goodbye” message with links to useful resources and requested permission to contact within 3-4 months


When it comes to sales follow-up emails, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. It’s important to try different templates and see what works best for your business. Adding a fresh graphic and an email signature can also help to make your emails more engaging and memorable. Creativity, persuasion, and brevity are key when it comes to crafting effective sales follow-up emails. By using these tips and experimenting with different approaches, you can increase your leads, sales, and overall business success. So don’t be afraid to try new things and find the approach that works best for you!

To make the process even easier, consider trying AeroLeads Campaigns – a free cold email software that allows you to save your favorite emails as templates for future use. So why wait? Sign up for our free Campaigns tool today and take your sales follow-up game to the next level!

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