7 Proven LinkedIn Lead Generation Strategies for Guaranteed Leads

What is Lead Generation?

Lead Generation is the process of generating sales-ready leads for your business in order to meet its sales goals. A lead, in essence, is an expression of interest in your company’s product or service; but it can also be an expression of interest in buying that product or service at some point down the line.

After reading this article, you should have a better understanding of what lead generation entails and how it can help you achieve your business goals.

When most people hear the term “lead generation” they automatically imagine a sales rep sitting at his or her desk and placing one call after another in order to generate leads. But, in reality, lead generation isn’t that simple.

The Lead Generation Process

Lead generation is often one of the first steps involved in performing market research. This process is defined as the act of gathering information about potential buyers so that a business can tailor its products or services to meet the needs of these consumers.

A lead comprises a consumer’s name and contact information, which can then be passed along to sales reps so that they can begin building a relationship with this consumer.

The key to lead generation is being able to identify the target audience when you’re initially gathering information about them. This can be done through the use of web surveys, e-mails, or interactions with sales reps.

However, just because you have a lead doesn’t mean you should actively contact that consumer; if all your efforts go for naught, then there’s no point in generating said leads in the first place.

Before your business can begin building relationships with potential customers, it must determine which ones are most likely to purchase its products or services. This process, known as segmentation, is the key to lead generation.

By identifying your customers, you can tailor your message to their specific needs and aspirations. This will result in a strategy that is more likely to capture the interest of your potential customers and drive them to act on it.

Once you’ve identified your target audience, it’s time to begin building relationships with them. The first step in this process is called pre-qualifying leads. This allows you and your sales reps sufficient time to determine whether or not the consumer fits within the parameters of your ideal profile before even beginning a conversation with him or her.

Why is Linkedin Lead Generation Important?

Why is Linkedin Lead Generation Important?

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network. The goal is to connect professionals with a common career interest and to leverage it in order to help people make connections and advance their careers. In order to find success on Linkedin, one has to first understand why LinkedIn lead generation is important and how this can be accomplished.

Generally speaking, the challenges that people face on LinkedIn are as follows:

(1) Lack of organic connections or
(2) Low response rates for inbound marketing channels.

To overcome these challenges, one must focus on opportunities. Generally speaking, the opportunities in a LinkedIn lead generation campaign would be the following:

(1) Targeting: Want to target those that have a common interest in your business or industry?

(2) Relevancy: Want to target those that are likely to respond and appreciate your message without becoming annoyed or discouraged?

(3) Targeting resources: To target professionals who are likely to spend money on products and services for their business or professional benefit.

Linkedin lead generation is one of the most promising ways to garner attention from a lot of people. If one can succeed in this area, they can quickly and easily grow their network to draw value from it.

Moreover, it will also help you manage your time and efforts in a wise manner so that you can make the most of the network. This way you can quickly take advantage of the opportunities therein.

7 Proven Linkedin Lead Generation Strategies For Guaranteed Leads

Linkedin is a great place to find leads, but it can also be a difficult place to gain any traction. Getting your website in the right hands without looking like a spammer is no easy task and readers might not click on your link. Let’s talk about some proven strategies that you can use to grow your network and get more targeted leads.

1. Mind Your Subject Line

Make sure that you craft a subject line that stands out and is relevant to the recipient. The subject line should be as targeted as possible, so use the name of the company, boss, or individual in your email. Make your subject line personal, but make sure that it doesn’t look like spam. This is an easy way to stay on their radar without getting buried in their overcrowded inbox.

2. Make Sure That You Provide Value To Your Connections First


Make Sure That You Provide Value To Your Connections First

Be sure to add value to your connections first before promoting yourself. You don’t want to come across as spammy, so try to be helpful with your lead generation efforts. You could send a special offer for someone, recommend a product or service that your contact might be interested in, and ask them for introductions. This will let them know that you really care about the outcome of their business and that you won’t waste their time by sending irrelevant emails.

3. Stay Focused On Your Lead Generation Strategy

This is the big one when it comes to LinkedIn lead generation…stay focused on your strategy and you’ll reap the rewards! You have to remember that people aren’t going to do anything because you said so. It’s going to be in their best interest to get to know you through your actions and not just by their inbox. Once they are comfortable with what you are offering, then they will act accordingly.

4. Create A Sense Of Urgency

If you want your message to be read, then don’t just wait around for people to respond. You have to make them feel like they need it right now! How? Well, add urgency with the title of your email and the within the body copy if possible. It doesn’t have to be flashy or the best copy, but just make it feel like an emergency.

5. Keep It Short And Direct

Keep your email under 7 lines and be sure to keep it short and direct! People are very busy and they won’t have time to read a lengthy message. They will skim over it because they really don’t have the time to waste on something that doesn’t make them feel like they need it right now. It means that you’re being professional, but being short also makes you look friendly and approachable which is a great way for building relationships on LinkedIn.

6. Use More Lead Generation Messages

The subject line is very important when it comes to LinkedIn lead generation. This can decide whether or not someone opens the email and whether or not they click on the link within. Try to make a very good first impression with your headline and make sure that it speaks directly to your recipient, but also relates back to their business interests.

7. Engage With Your Connections

If you have several connections, then take the time to respond to their messages instead of just reading them once they’ve arrived in your inbox. While you have the time, then reply to all of them at once, but if you’re too busy then look at the ones that are important to you and that you think will be beneficial for your lead generation strategy. If your first impression of them is good because of your responses, then this can have good results for your business.

Some other ways that can help you with lead generation on LinkedIn are:

Some other ways that can help you with lead generation on LinkedIn

Make sure to share some valuable content. This could be blog posts or even white papers or other pieces of information that can add value to their business. Send follow-up messages after sending an email or sharing content with them. If they share their email address, then send them a message to thank them for their time and keep the conversation going.

Be patient with your lead generation attempts. You might not be able to get all of the leads that you want right away, so don’t give up too soon. If you continue to work on your lead gen efforts no matter how many leads you gain, then it’s sure that you will have a successful lead generation strategy on LinkedIn.


LinkedIn is a great place to find new business contacts, but it can also be a difficult place to gain any traction. You have to remember that people aren’t going to do anything because you said so. Use the strategies in this article to grow your network, but also trust your gut and be yourself.

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