Facebook Ad Targeting: Step-by-Step Guide to Create Amazing Facebook Campaigns

How Does Facebook Ad Targeting Works?

Facebook ad targeting has decades of data that gives it a unique understanding of its users and how they behave. Facebook utilizes that data to better target ads. The more you interact with advertisers on Facebook, the more they know about you, and the more your ad experience is personalized. The more advertisers interact with Facebook users. It is more the social network gets to know about the users and how they interact on the site.

This information is used to help advertisers decide which groups of people are most likely to engage. It is their product or service, that ultimately improves ad performance.

Understanding the Core of Advertising over this Platform

If you want to target your ads, you either do it through engaging content or through buying a certain group of people. Facebook allows advertisers to target people who are similar in interest from their own list of fans/followers. Those who are friends with other customers have got within a selected radius (geographic targeting). Or by using keywords that describe the interests and needs of your ideal customers (interest or demographic targeting).

How is Facebook Targeting Set?

With interest-based targeting, Facebook allows you to target people that like specific things, such as charities or sports teams, or things related to those interests. It does not just allow you to target fans of a specific fan page but also people who like pages that are related to the one you are promoting. For example, if you promote a company’s web-based application. Facebook will automatically reach people who have liked other web-based applications and websites relating to that industry.

Facebook ad targeting steps

Interests can also be combined with demographics or age groups in order to further customize your target audience. You can also target buyers using keywords that describe the interests and needs of your ideal customers (interest or demographic targeting).

Using keywords in combination with interests will help you target even more specific audiences, especially if you are selling a product that is not widely popular. You can target people who want to get new shoes.

If you’re using Facebook’s demographics targeting tool for your campaign, it will automatically grab information about the person’s relationship status, where they live, and their gender.

How To Advertise On Facebook?

Here are some basic steps you can check out to advertise on Facebook:

Step 1: Build on a Campaign Idea

Pick a business opportunity you are interested in promoting on Facebook. For example, you can create a page dedicated to your restaurant, local bookstore, or anything else related.

Step 2: Generate Interest

Before you start creating ads, it is important to make sure that your campaign has a good amount of interest first. Go through the list of people who have liked your page so far and look for people with similar interests to the ones on your list in order to create an ad that will resonate with them. Keep in mind that these are just suggestions and not hard-and-fast rules for making ads work.

Step 3: Edit Your Ad

You can edit your Facebook ads in a few different ways. As you may, it can be edited on the creative once you create it. You can also edit it through the Ads Manager. Lastly, you can edit it directly on Facebook when the ads run. There are two different places to go to do this: the Ads Manager and your Edit Page.

Step 4: Get Started With Facebook Advertising!

This is pretty much all there is to advertising on Facebook, but if you would like to see some more advanced options, click here to learn how to use Facebook’s Promoted Posts. Work on the plans which are drafted. Any ideas that you have, you can do this.

Step 5: Get Done with a Creative

Campaigns are automatically created for you, but that does not mean that you cannot create your own if you wish. You will have to write a creative for the ad, but once you do this, then it is easy to edit. If you do not know how to write a creative well and are unsure. About what goes into one, we would recommend that you read the help article about writing the best ads.

Step 6: Work on Promotion of the Ads

You must promote the ads in order for them to generate revenue for your business. And if you do not, then it may cause your account to be deactivated or shut down by Facebook.

Step 7: Keep up with Social Media Management

Social media is very important in promoting your page because it helps to connect with customers. And inform them about what is going on with your page. Like always, you can do this by linking with Facebook and other social sites such as Twitter and LinkedIn.

Facebook is a top social networking website that allows users to interact with each other. It has the ability to engage brands in a more interactive manner through its advertisements platform. It has also become a lucrative way to advertise your various products and services for Facebook ad targeting.

Advertising on Facebook, for an individual business or for a brand, is very popular. But it does present challenges for businesses that are still new to social media marketing. Advertising on Facebook requires that you have good knowledge in the areas of marketing your product, managing your advertising campaigns. And having confidence that your advertisements will show up in your targeted audience’s newsfeeds.

Get to know the stats

Facebook has recently changed its advertising policy that allows businesses to use their advertisements as a campaign page to advertise their products and services. Before this new change, Facebook allowed only one post to be posted on a page Ad. So it was difficult for companies that had more than one page.

Facebook ad targeting stats

The new policy allows businesses to add up to ten links in one advertisement so they can build awareness and lead generation. It is which can then lead them to clicks they may have otherwise not reached. If they had just only used a single link in all of their Facebook posts or pages.

By becoming familiar with the ins and outs of Facebook ad targeting. It is possible to increase your brand’s visibility and appeal to its target audience.

Audience Generated on Facebook Worldwide

Facebook has approximately 2.2 billion users worldwide, 1.5 billion of which are active daily (0.7% penetration), with a total of 18% of all web traffic coming from Facebook in the first quarter of 2014 (821 million users). Most users log into Facebook at least 4 times per day on average (84%). Users are not required to log into Facebook, but getting them to do so is very important.

The Best Facebook Ad Targeting Strategies

Facebook ad targeting is as lucrative and widespread as it is because of its ability to target specific groups of people based on demographics, interests, or location. In a word: targeting. That’s why the best Facebook ads are those that use effective targeting strategies to reach the desired audience.

Let’s Take a Look at the Following Examples:

1. Excessive Targeting

This approach includes targeting very wide audiences and increasing reach by bidding higher.

This is the most widely used strategy among marketers because it’s considered an easier method of boosting the number of page likes or followers without committing a budget to that activity. However, excessive targeting usually results in ads being shown to users who are not interested in your brand or product. In other words, it’s a waste of money!

2. Broad Match Keywords

This approach relies on using broad match keywords in ad groups whenever possible so you can target as many people as possible. Advertisers also use broad match keywords because they allow you to use less “sexy” keywords. Without having to worry about your ad being triggered by irrelevant searches. This is a very common approach. However, there is a possibility that these keywords will be too general and your ad will not have much of an impact.

On the other hand, using too narrow keywords may lead to you showing ads to people who are interested in your offer.

3. Excessive Use of Exact for Facebook Ad Targeting

In this approach, you create an ad targeting people who are presumably exactly interested. On your product or brand by using exact match keywords in combination with other strategies. For example, you want to target users that purchased products like yours so you include that term in the ad group while also including broad match. Like words, generic phrases like “totally” or “what’s new”, and so on.

This is a very popular strategy, but with an equally high possibility of showing your ad to the wrong audience. It’s not uncommon for an ad to be shown when the keyword you used is irrelevant to the product or business you are in.

For example, “jogging” is an interesting keyword search because people usually look for it before starting a cool workout session. On the other hand, “shopping” is not as interesting as this keyword search because it is more related to what we are doing every day (shopping).

4. Matching Keywords and Negative Ad Text

This strategy uses a negative match keyword (as a trigger) to show ads that are not likely to be shown to people who were relevant in the previous step. For example, if an ad was previously shown only to users that purchased products like yours. But now you want it viewed by all your new customers, you would use the following trigger: ” DID NOT BUY X” in your ad copy. This is another popular approach but one that is quite similar to the previous one.

5. Removing Irrelevant Words from the Ad Text

This approach is done to ensure that you show your ad only to interested users by removing irrelevant words from your ad copy. For example, if people search for “Watches Coupons” they are probably looking for a specific brand and not the deal they would like. If you want this keyword search to be the one triggering your ads you will remove all related terms (“Watches”, “Coupons”, “Discounted”, and so on) from your ad text.

6. Inverting Positive Keywords for Facebook Ad Targeting

This strategy uses inverted keyword triggers in combination with other strategies to show ads to users that are not interested in your brand or offer. At the same time, not likely to be shown to interested users. For example, if someone searched for “No watches had deals”, they probably did not have a specific brand in mind.


As you can see, Facebook ad targeting has been used in several different ways by many marketers. You’ve probably tried most of them and you have probably seen your results shift from high to low at one point or another.

As we mentioned earlier, targeting is the most important factor when it comes to running a successful campaign. Identifying the best strategy for each campaign is essential if you want to achieve the best results possible. If a certain approach doesn’t work for you, that’s completely fine. There are many other options out there that many marketers have never tested! And if some strategies seem too daunting try using split testing and A/B testing to get the best results possible.

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