How to Generate Leads by Blogging Extensively

How to generate leads?  

Everyone asks this question — and the answer they often receive is to blog extensively. 

But if you consider blogging as writing blobs of text with no strategizing, then I would say don’t even bother about it.

You would also have to take care of consistency because posting 3-4 blogs in a month won’t cut it for you. 

In fact, according to research, those that publish 16+ posts per month generate nearly 3.5x more traffic and 4.5x more leads than those that only publish between 0-4.


Hence if you are serious about generating leads from extensive blogging, then read on. 

In this article, you will learn how to generate not only leads but warm leads from blogging. 

1. Write for your target audience 

You are probably tired of hearing this again and again. 

But are you implementing this advice? 

If not, then you are heading for a disaster. No, really! 

People won’t read what you want them to read, they will read what they want to read. It’s as simple as that. 

Therefore, if you want to generate leads by blogging extensively, then you have to first identify who your target audience is.

Targeting the wrong people will be of no benefit to you, and they won’t respond to your marketing.

You should define a customer persona based on your ideal customers’ interests, locations, demographics, and behaviors.

An easy example of this would be if you’re selling women’s shoes. You would exclude men from your targeting and focus on the ladies.

If you’re available in a specific location only, you would limit your audience to that area.

Now that you have identified your target audience, the next step would be to identify their preferences.

What does your target audience want to read?

Identifying it is quite simple.

Just head to Google Keyword Planner. Don’t worry, you don’t have to pay a single dime for it.

It’s a completely free tool that shows you key phrases that people are searching for in Google. You can then use these key phrases to find relevant topics for your own blog posts.

Just follow through quick simple steps. Go to keyword planner and enter your keyword (your niche or subject area). Then add your targeting and finally apply filters to laser-target your keyword plan.

Here are a few quick suggestions for the term “SEO:”




You can also identify what your target audience is talking about and generate leads through Quora.

Quora is basically a simple Q and A platforms where people ask questions in their niche. Thus you can easily find out what topics are people most interested in regarding your domain.

For instance, my target audience is mainly B2B marketing professionals. Therefore, I typed in “B2B Marketing” in Quora search option.


As I scrolled down, I could see more relevant topics that my target audience is interested in.


Start by noting down the questions most relevant to your domain. Carefully go through the answers written on Quora and see how you can provide better insights and then finally get down to writing your own blog.

While you are at it, you can even write a little snippet or a few shortened points of your blog as a Quora answer and redirect your Quora audience to your blog post. This is also likely to help you generate great B2B leads.

2. Leverage Your Social Media

Social media is a free tool that you can use for promoting your blog and then eventually generating leads.

It’s perfect for building a relationship with your potential clients, and it allows them to get to know both you and your business.

Visual platforms like Instagram, for example, can be used to draw the attention of your potential clients with interesting pictures of your product, and of your team members as well. Once you pique your audience’s interest, you can start by redirecting them to your blog posts. 

That human element allows your leads to see the person behind the business, and it creates a connection and deeper interest in what you have to say in your blog.

3. Use Engaging Call-to-Action Buttons 

For a lot of you, this might be a new thing altogether. Because I don’t see many people using call-to-action buttons in their blogs — a big mistake on their part. Especially if they are looking to generate leads through blogging.

You need to end your blog with a call-to-action button if you want your audience to take some action. It can be anything. You can ask them to subscribe to your newsletters, down an ebook, read something else, install, contact you, or something else that you are aiming for.

It’s a very tangible solution actually.

Marketers at DIYThemes have experienced it firsthand. Using a simple hello-bar themed call-to-action button, DIYThemes generated just under 1200 new subscribers in only 30 days.


Have a look at this call-to-action button:


There are so many different sorts of call-to-action buttons that you can use that can be located on various places on your website, including:

  • At the top of the page
  • At the end of the post
  • In-between the post itself
  • In the sidebar
  • As a sliding popup

And so on and so forth.

You can also make your call-to-action button even more compelling by including special offers, limited coupons, and so forth.

4. Connect with Influencers 

If you are relatively new at blogging, then chances are that your content might unnoticed for months on end.

But it doesn’t have to be this way, given that you can connect with some semi-famous influencers in your niche.

Who cares that you don’t have the outreach? You can just connect with social influencers and ride on their coattails.

You just have to collaborate with an appropriate influencer, someone who has a hold on his/her audience and ask them to promote your content.

Have a look for yourself how well influencer marketing performs.



Now the question is, “Why would an influencer go through all this hassle to promote your event?”

Well, they won’t…unless you offer some attractive incentives.

The truth is that many influencers prefer to get compensated through monetary incentives. That said, it isn’t the only way to incentivize them.

You can offer them free products or an attractive discounted offer, and so on and so forth.

However, remember that not just any influencer will do.

Connect with the influencers relevant to your brand and the subject matter of your blog. For instance, if you are a marketing firm, then it makes no sense for you to connect with a tech influencer.

Connecting with influencers is an easy and affordable option for your startup. 

When their followers see the influencers are using your product, they’ll be more willing to give you a try as well.

Apart from this, developing partnerships with complementary businesses is another great B2B lead generation tactic. You can have a mutually beneficial relationship by advertising and generating blog posts for each other. 

5. Create quizzes to gain more exposure

A quiz maker can allow you to easily establish what your target audience wants. You can use quiz creator software to ask about your audience about the topics they want to read about. 

Using this information, you can modify your blog post to provide them with topics and information they need.

You can also use quiz creator software to customize your offer for specific clients and then add it at the end of your blog. If you have a clothing store, for example, you could offer your visitors a quiz at the end of one of your blog posts that will quiz them about their favorite clothing style. 

Quiz makers are fun and easy to use, and they are a great way for you to generate leads through blogging.  

6. Hold contests to gain more exposure

You have done pretty much everything to generate leads through blogging. 

You are churning out expressive content to engage them. Probably even shelled out quite a budget to fund social media ads. You have even connected with micro-influencers with a substantial amount of following.

Now you are ready to generate leads.

Wait, hold on.

Did we forget something?

How could we overlook the power of contests? Well, we were saving the most interesting trick for the end.

While the implementation of contests is straightforward and easy, it can help you garner a lot of attention to your blog.

For one, these contests pique your audience’s interest like nothing else. And most importantly, it makes it easy for your audience to get involved on a one-to-one basis.

In the contest, you can ask people to perform certain tasks that will help you promote your blog and reward the top contenders.

Also, why stop here? You can even encourage the winners of the contest to post about the giveaway and your blog on their social media channel with a specific hashtag.

This way you are killing two birds with one stone. You will not only get exposure, but the user-generated content will also get you plenty of word-of-mouth referrals.

Summing it all up 

It should be extremely easy for you to generate leads through blogging.

In fact, with so many options available, generating leads for startups has never been easier, and using these blogging tips will help you boost your revenue and grow your business. 

As you can discern, blogging is not all about writing.

Things like influencer marketing, social media presence, and so forth can make it easy for you to promote your blog and connect with your potential clients and increase their interest in your blog posts as well as your product.

But always keep in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all lead generation tactic. It’s all about trial and error, and what works for some, might not work for you, and vice versa.

So always stay on your toes, pay attention to the changes in your market, and optimize your blogging process to generate massive leads.

Author Bio:- Angela White is an ed-tech enthusiast with a passion for writing for the consumer
market in the areas of product research and marketing using quizzes and surveys. Having a knack for
writing and an editorial mindset, She is an expert researcher at a brand that’s known for creating
delightfully smart tools such as ProProfs Quiz Maker

About Deepti Jain

Deepti is a senior content writer with AeroLeads. She spends a lot of time brainstorming ideas and writing marketing and sales content. She also has a knack for writing and reading about politics and prevalent social issues and regularly pens letters to the Editor of The Hindu newspaper. When she is not working, you’ll find her socializing with friends or binge-watching Netflix. (And devouring sushi).

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