3 sales email endings to get a positive response

Email endings are one of the most underrated parts of sales emails.

Most people are focused on coming up with a catchy subject line and boasting feverishly about their products in the email’s body that they forget to optimize an ending that makes responding easy.

Below are three ways you can make responding easy and effortless for your recipient.

Aim for one single request

Wordy sales emails get ignored by busy business people. They get lots of these every day and might not have time to go through every one of them.

Busy people are also so busy with important decisions every day they don’t need you to add to the burden and give them decision paralysis with your emails.

So when sending a sales email, make sure you only ask for one decision to be made and one response to send.

How’s this related to your email’s ending?

Well, the ending is where you ask your recipient to get back to you with a response. If you expect them to choose from a wide range of options and go through a complicated decision-making process, they might postpone your email and even forget to get back to you.

So instead of asking complicated questions that demand a lot of time to answer, simply ask a “yes or no” question that makes responding inevitable. A simple question could be:

“Would you be interested in getting more engagement for your social media posts?” I’d be happy to explain how our platform can help do that.”

Aim for getting only one simple response from your recipient. Always remember that the point of sending a sales email is starting a conversation and instilling the purchase idea over time.

Take a look at the following sales email template I used for a sales prospecting platform:

Hi [Prospect name],

Your article on [Publication] left me speechless. Your line of thought reminded me of [a famous thought leader in your niche] and her ideas concerning [the issue], so I couldn’t resist sharing it on my own feed.

I checked out your company’s website and I noticed you’ve worked with amazing clients such as [name of their customers].

I’m reaching out to offer [your offer + how it functions + benefits such as “A platform that sifts through social media to find leads with strong buying intent.”].

Our platform [include social proof such as “Is used by companies such as [Name] and has delivered over 3 million leads.”].

Interested in a free demo of how our platform [include a core benefit such as “Could get you more leads [Name]?”]?

Warm Regards,

[Your name]
[phone number]
[LinkedIn page]

Let’s take a look at the ending of this email once more:

Interested in a free demo of how our platform could get you more leads?

Note that:

  • The whole email is focused on one simple benefit for the recipient (i.e. getting more qualified leads from social media).
  • The ending continues this theme by aiming for only one easy decision to be made (i.e. whether to get a free demo from them)
  • I’m a big fan of “yes or no” questions for sales email endings because they make the process of responding so easy. They basically don’t need to come up with a complicated response — a simple “yes” will suffice.

Be appreciative of their time

Showing respect for your recipient’s time is one of the basics of successful cold emailing. You should do this in some ways:

  • Keep your emails concise and to the point
  • Focus on intriguing their curiosity rather than persuade them to buy right off the bat
  • Use a polite language and tone
  • End your email by conveying that responding is super easy and that you’ll get back to them as quickly as you can if they ever respond.

The last one is obviously about the ending of your email. Let’s take a look at the email Noah Kagan, the founder of Appsumko received a few years ago and was excited about it:

“Subject: How I lost your Sperry’s.. and apt. And why you should meet with me.

I kept bidding them up.. to $600. Then I stopped with 3 seconds left and the other person won.

I didn’t want the apartment. I was going to use it as an expensive excuse to get an App idea in front of you…and we wear the same size shoes. I have since bought a pair of Sperry’s..er Sperries ? Size 11 – they fit!

Why you should meet with me:

  • I’m the founder and CEO of Grav. I’ve been running this business for the past nine years. I started it when I was 24. I have 70 employees in Austin and operations in China. I love my business. It’s profitable and I’m really good at it. However, I want to do more.
  • I’m Jewish – I hate playing that card, but.. what the fuck
  • This App idea is disruptive. It’s not in my wheelhouse (glass), but I know a good idea when I see one – I get about 3 presentations a week from stoners about their pipe ideas.
  • I have a wireframe ready so you can breeze through it quickly.
  • The factory is really close to downtown – on St. Elmo just south of Ben White.
  • Even if you hate me and my idea, you’ll love the **** factory – it’s insane.

This Wednesday 4/17 at 10am (or earlier) would be a great time to come by (I know it’s short notice, but what if this is the best idea you’ve ever heard and I’m the coolest guy you’ve ever met?)

Feel free to bring anyone from Appsumo. I’m a huge fan.

Thanks for your time!
David Daily”

Noah himself explains why he loves this email in his personal blog but since we’re talking about appreciating your recipient’s time, here are some ways the email does so:

  • A huge part of the email is about “why you should meet with me”, the part that most of the unsuccessful cold emails neglect. This shows how serious you are in your offer.
  • The whole offer is investing in an app but the aim of the cold email is not getting Noah to invest. The whole point is to schedule a meeting with him and explain everything face-to-face.
  • The language and tone are respectful and polite.
  • The ending makes the decision-making process so easy by offering a specific time to meet. As Noah explains “see how he didn’t say, “When is a good time to meet?” Then I’d have to check my schedule. Instead he suggested something specific so I can easily see if that’s available for you”.

Go beyond just email

One of the mistakes people make when sending sales emails is considering it a unilateral channel. They expect to close all deals through email. Truth is sales emails are just one of the ways to increase sales and other sales methods such as phone calls, video chats, and in-person meetings should be used alongside it. In fact, all these channels should be merged and coordinated to have the most impact. You should also coordinate other marketing channels (such as optimizing your landing pages) with your sales efforts. Check out this email tool comparison so you can decide which one to use for your company.

A sales email sent after an introductory hand-shake in an event could do wonders. A phone call after an email communication could really be more fruitful.

One of the sales techniques you could use in your email communications is going a step forward and getting your recipient over the phone. This could help a lot as it shows you’re serious enough to discuss further over the phone.

Here are some of the endings you could use to get people’s phone numbers and contact them:

  • I’m sure I can explain how we could increase your lead base over the phone, can I have your phone number?
  • Can I take 5 minutes of your time over the phone for Tuesday at 9:00 a.m to give you some more details? My phone number is 123456789, can I have yours?
  • The best way to get to know our platform and how we could increase your customer base is a quick chat over the phone. Tuesday, 9 a.m seems to be a good opportunity. Can I have your phone number to reach out?

You can also use these tools to find phone numbers online.


Endings serve an important function in sales emails: they should make responding easy and effortless for the recipient. In this article we discussed three ways you could accomplish this:

Ask for a single favour rather than bombard them with different options.

Show them how you appreciate their time and will be quick in getting back to them.

Go beyond just email and get them over the phone to discuss further.

It’s important to note that closing a deal does not end with your sales email. Your recipient might have a long journey before they consider buying from you. Some of the steps they might take is:

Check your reputation online

Check out your website to figure out if you’re credible. Using top-notch web design services could be a great help.

Reach out to your customer service with various questions to make sure you stand by your words. So get your customer service team prepared and equip them with the best remote support tools.

About Mostafa Dastras

Mostafa Dastras is a writer at The Ecom Manager, a leading resource hub for discovering the latest and best in ecommerce strategy, design, user experience, content, marketing and social run by the indie digital publishing team at Black & White Zebra. His work has appeared on some top publications such as HubSpot, WordStream, SmartInsights, LeadPages, Sendinblue and MarketingProfs. Visit his blog, LiveaBusinessLife or reach out via social to connect with him.

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